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You may be surprised at what a difference you can make.

At the Patterson School, small gifts help our students pursue their passion, medium size gifts have a major impact, and large gifts might even change the world.

The Patterson School provides an intense, intimate learning environment with direct exposure to government and the business world that we believe is unmatched anywhere else. Students arrive here with promise and passion, and leave ready to tackle some of the world's greatest challenges.

Generous gifts from alumni and friends of the Patterson School allow us to bring in speakers, assist with internships, provide financial assistance for merit based scholarships, and support innovative participatory programming.

We invite you to become a partner in helping shape the next generation of leaders in international affairs.

Philanthropy is above all personal. We would love to explore how we might join forces to enhance this landmark program. We have some great ideas and suspect you do too. Please call or e-mail our Director (859-257-8261) to share your thoughts and passions. We would be delighted to tell you about how Patterson School graduates are making their mark on the planet every day.

Gifts can be made by credit card through the school's UK's giving page or by mail. Checks should be made payable to the "Patterson School" and sent to:

Development Fund
Patterson School
University of Kentucky, 455 POT
Lexington, KY 40506-0027 USA

Many employers match charitable gifts made to educational institutions by their employees and retirees. Please determine if you qualify, as it may double or triple your capacity to help.

Thank you for considering the Patterson School as a place to make your mark on the world. Our students need your support!