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  • Patterson Open House January 22nd, Patterson Office Tower Room 420, 5-8PM

    We will be having an open house for prospective students on January 22nd, beginning at 5PM. Drinks and snacks will be provided. This is a great opportunity to meet with faculty and discuss the program in detail. We hope to see you there!

  • UKinSPIRE Workshop - How Digital Standards and Geopolitics Shape Competition and Collaboration in the Global Economy

    The workshop is focused on work that explores how digital standards shape geopolitical competition and the global economy.

  • Patterson UK Law Hosts Ambassador John Sullivan

    Ambassador John Sullivan will be doing a pre-event, smaller group conversation with students from UK Rosenberg College of Law and UK Patterson School of Diplomacy who may be interested in being a diplomat, pursuing a career in foreign service, and discussing general professional development.

  • 2024 Fall Conference Latin America's New Solitude: Dr. Jorge G. Castaneda Keynote

    Join us this Thursday Oct 17th at the Singletary Center Recital Hall to hear Dr. Jorge G. Castaneda discuss Latin America's "New Solititude."

  • 2024 2024 Fall Conference: Latin America Latin America

      Time Event Room 8:00 Breakfast 2 8:30 WelcomeDr. Joe Young, Director 1 8:45 Panel 1: SecurityModerator: Dr. Rob FarleyPanelists: Dr. Susan Brewer-Osario, Dr, Omar Garcia- Ponce, Dr. Erin McFee  1 10:15 Panel 2: Commerce

  • Spring Break 2023

    For the first time since the pandemic, the Patterson School was able to host the Spring Break trip! Students traveled north with Ambassador Carey Cavanaugh. The focus this year centered around the Canadian border - land, sea, and air - looking at immigration, smuggling/drugs, commerce, and environmental issues. Various stops were selected to provide students with a hands-on, practical understanding of how diplomacy, defense, and commerce are implemented.

  • Zoom US-China Nuclear Competition and Implications for International Security Lecture

    Dr. Tong Zhao, Senior Fellow in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and currently a visiting research scholar at Princeton University’s Science and Global Security Program, will give a talk on the growing political obstacles that drive the U.S.-China nuclear escalation and offer thoughts on potential mitigating measures to maintain nuclear stability.

  • Fall Conference 2022: The New Cold War

    Day two of the Fall Conference was held at the Hyatt Regency Lexington and included four panel discussions centered around Patterson's four major/minor concentrations.

  • Fall Conference 2022 Keynote Address: Ambassador William B. Taylor

    The theme of this year's Fall Conference was "The New Cold War." On October 27, Ambassador William B. Taylor gave the keynote address on "Russia, Ukraine, and the United States" in the William T. Young Library Auditorium. A great variety of campus members attended the address.