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Brownbags, Guests
  • Guest Speaker: Dr. Masaru Yarime

    Dr. Masaru Yarime from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology will be giving a guest lecture on January 21st, 3-4PM in Patterson Office Tower Room 420. Smart cities are emerging as major engines for deploying intelligent systems to enhance urban development and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Cities across the world have introduced policy objectives to pursue smart city development and use technologies and innovation to address societal challenges and enhance sustainable development.

  • Guest Speaker: Robert E. Kelly

    Dr. Robert E. Kelly is a professor of political science and diplomacy at Pusan National University in South Korea. He earned his Ph.D. in Political Science from Ohio State University in 2005, with a focus on international relations and political theory. His research and teaching interests include international relations theory in East Asia, U.S. foreign policy in Asia, Korean foreign policy, and international financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF.

  • Latin America's New Solitude: Dr. Jorge G. Castaneda

    Join us this Thursday Oct 17th at the Singletary Center Recital Hall to hear Dr. Jorge G. Castaneda discuss Latin America's "New Solititude."

  • Keynote Address: Howard French

    You're invited to a Keynote Address by Howard W. French! Event Sponsors:  UK College of Communication and InformationUK Graduate SchoolUK International Studies

  • Do welfare policies matter for immigrant entrepreneurship? An analysis in the context of France

    Dr. Michael Samers, Full Professor of Economic and Urban Geography and affiliated faculty of International Studies at the University of Kentucky, will give a talk discussing the impact of welfare policies on immigrant entrepreneurship in France.

  • The Techno-politics and Geopolitics of Nuclear Cooperation between Argentina and China

    Dr. Max Vila Seoane, Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina and Professor at the School of Politics & Government of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM), together with Dr. Daniel Blinder, Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina and Professor at the National University of José Clemente Paz, Argentina, will give a talk on nuclear cooperation between Argentina and China and its implications for techno-politics and geopolitics in South America.  

  • China in Global Digital Trade Governance: Implications for Development

    Dr. Ka Zeng, Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Director of International and Global Studies at the University of Arkansas, will give a talk on a joint project with Dr. Yujia He (Patterson School) studying China’s interests and actions in the global governance of digital trade and the implications for developing countries in global trade negotiations. Dr. Ka Zeng’s visit to the Patterson School is supported by the SEC Faculty Travel Grant Program. 

  • What do we talk about when we talk about the Chinese Digital Silk Road?

    Dr. Elisa Oreglia, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Global Digital Cultures at King’s College London and an Affiliate of the Lau China Institute, will discuss China’s “Digital Silk Road” investing in the digital economy development in the developing countries as part of its Belt and Road Initiative. Dr.

  • US-China Nuclear Competition and Implications for International Security

    Dr. Tong Zhao, Senior Fellow in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and currently a visiting research scholar at Princeton University’s Science and Global Security Program, will give a talk on the growing political obstacles that drive the U.S.-China nuclear escalation and offer thoughts on potential mitigating measures to maintain nuclear stability.